What is a "Deadlift" bar and why would you need one?
If you are really serious about your lifting, and moving some serious weight, like deadlifts of 600 lbs, 700 lbs, 800 lbs, or even more, a deadlift bar may be perfect for you.
StrongArm Deadlift bars are:
- More flexible than a regular power bar. Deadlifting on a regular bar means pulling from a "dead" start, in other words, from zero to 100% of the weight all at once. With a more flexible bar though, the centre of the bar will rise a few inches before the weights start to lift, and when they do the plates that are on the inside will lift first, moving towards the outer edge. The result of this is a smoother, more progressive acceleration of the weight, allowing you to lift more actual weight. Most lifters that use a deadlift bar will tell you that they can pull 40 or 50 lbs more with a deadlift bar compared to a standard power bar.
- Thinner than a regular power bar. Most power bars are 29 or 30 mm, a StrongArm deadlift bar is 27 mm. This thinness contributes to the flexibility, and also lets you get more of your hands and fingers around the bar. Particularly important if you use the double overhand "hook" grip.
- Longer sleeves than a regular bar. The longer sleeves allow for more weight to be put on, especially necessary if you are using gym plates, that tend to be wider than competition plates. The long shaft also contributes to the progressive pull that the DL bar is known for.
- Knurling tend to come in two varieties, small, fine points, with sharp tips, or large points with flat tips, (sometimes a bit concave, "volcano" shaped. When we designed our DL bars we told the manufacturer we wanted the best of both worlds, large points, sharply tipped.
Knurling where you need it, not where you don't. Sumo deadlifting is taking over Powerlifting. Yet 99.9 of the bars you see sumo lifters using are made for conventional deadlifting, and they wind up gripping the bar on the smooth part, and least partly, while the knurling rubs on their legs during the pull. We thought we could do better. So we designed a bar with knurling in the middle, where the hands will be, and no knurling where it slides on the legs.